Separate the socks by color. Before washing your socks, you’ll want to separate them into two loads: whites and colors. This keeps your socks looking vibrant and prevents any unwanted bleeding.
Turn the socks inside out. Doing this allows the socks to be cleaned as thoroughly as possible, because the odor-causing bacteria mostly reside inside of the sock. This will also help to minimize lint accumulation.
Pin each pair together with a clothespin. If you often find yourself with single socks, consider pinning each pair together with a clothespin before putting them in the washing machine. This way, they’ll stay paired throughout the washing process and they’ll be easier to put away afterward.
Put your dirty socks in the washing machine. Set the machine to gentle, press start, and pour in a mild laundry detergent to prevent fading, stretching, and other types of wear and tear. For cotton socks 40°C is sufficient to maintain good foot hygiene. On the other hand, for socks from wool or silk should not exceed 30°C.
Turn the socks right side out. Take the socks out of the washing machine. Feed the sock back through itself and gently pull it straight so that it’s right side in. Do this carefully to avoid stretching out the fabric.
Hang the socks out to dry. The best way to dry your socks is by hanging them on a clothes rack or out on a clothes line. Drying them in the dryer may ruin the elasticity in them and/or weaken the fibers of the fabric.
How to Wash Socks by Hand
Wash Socks by Hand
Divide your socks into two piles; one of colored socks and one of white socks. Wash each one separately so that the colors don’t bleed into the white socks. This will also help to keep the colored socks from fading.
Fill a sink with cold water.As the water is filling up, pour some mild laundry detergent into the sink. Dont use warm water, may cause bleeding and/or shrinking.
Flip the socks inside out. The inside of the sock is the part that needs to be cleaned most thoroughly. Keeping the socks inside out while hand washing them will help to eliminate as much odor-causing bacteria as possible
Soak the socks for 5 minutes. Leave the socks alone for at least 5 minutes so that they can soak in the soapy water. If the socks are especially dirty, drain the water, fill the sink up again with soapy water, and keep the socks submerged for 10-30 minutes
Rinse the socks out with cold water.
Flip the socks right side out. Be careful not to stretch out the sock when you do this.
Hang the socks out to dry. The best way to dry your socks is by hanging them on a clothes rack or out on a clothes line. Drying them in the dryer may ruin the elasticity in them and/or weaken the fibers of the fabric.